
Muda de vida

Perdida entre mil teorias, números e figuras meio abstractas, o bichinho de me levantar da cadeira, virar as costas ao computador e produzir qualquer coisa de pálpavel e com a qual me identifique intensifica-se. Falta o saber como e a coragem de arriscar pisar terreno desconhecido.

Entretanto inspiro-me na "loucura" de outros. Loucura bem sucedida, entenda-se. Os "smoothies" são deliciosos e a embalagem linda (e reciclável). O marketing da companhia convence qualquer "muesli eater-guardian reader" e, talvez por isso, vendem como pãezinhos quentes apesar do preço:

"In the summer of 1998 when we had developed our first smoothie recipes but were still nervous about giving up our proper jobs, we bought £500 worth of fruit, turned it into smoothies and sold them from a stall at a little music festival in London. We put up a big sign saying 'Do you think we should give up our jobs to make these smoothies?' and put out a bin saying 'YES' and a bin saying 'NO' and asked people to put the empty bottle in the right bin. At the end of the weekend the 'YES' bin was full so we went in the next day and resigned."